Apple Handwritten Font image
Apple Handwritten Font Details
- Font file:Apple-Handwritten.ttf
- Font Name:Apple Handwritten
- Subfamily:Regular
- Subfamily ID:苹果字体:Version 1.00
- Full Name:Apple Handwritten
- Version:苹果字体Version 1.00 2011年4月15日,第一次发行
- Weight:400
- Postscript:AppleHandwritten
- Suffix:ttf
- Size:16.41 KB
- Copyright:本字体由苹果亲手书写完成,包含基本英文字符和标点,版权归苹果所有!授权个人免费使用,商业用途请联系作者获得授权!联系QQ:869957487。
Apple Handwritten Character Map
Apple Handwritten Fonts Download
Apple Handwritten Font Download
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