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Groening Font image Groening Font Details Font file:Groening-Plain.ttf Font Name:Groening Subfamily:Plain Subfamily ID:Altsys Fontographer 3.3 Groening Plain Full Name:Groening Plain Version:Altsys Fontographer 3.3 9/9/91 Weight:5 Postscript:Groening Plain Suffix:ttf Size:16.97 KB Copyright:䈀1991 Cowan Design Associates. Based on the famous handwriting of...


Groening Font image Groening Font Details Font file:Groening-Regular.ttf Font Name:Groening Subfamily:Regular Subfamily ID:Altsys Fontographer 3.5 Groening Regular Full Name:Groening Regular Version:Altsys Fontographer 3.5 9/13/92 Weight:5 Postscript:Groening Suffix:ttf Size:19.12 KB Copyright:协1991 Cowan Design Associates. Based on the famous handwriting of Matt...