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Reznor Font image Reznor Font Details Font file:Reznor-Broken.ttf Font Name:Reznor Subfamily:Broken Subfamily ID:Altsys Fontographer 4.0 Reznor Broken Full Name:Reznor Broken Version:Altsys Fontographer 4.0 4/17/94 Weight:700 Postscript:ReznorBroken Suffix:ttf Size:22.32 KB Copyright:This is the font found on the covers of the Nine...


Reznor Font image Reznor Font Details Font file:Reznor-Downward-Spiral.ttf Font Name:Reznor Subfamily:Downward Spiral Subfamily ID:Altsys Fontographer 4.0 Reznor Downward Spiral Full Name:Reznor Downward Spiral Version:Altsys Fontographer 4.0 4/16/94 Weight:200 Postscript:ReznorDownwardSpiral Suffix:ttf Size:16.25 KB Copyright:This font is an enterpretation of the font...